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Pet Texts

Pet Texts archive: June 2022

Pet Text
30 June 2022

Looking forward to a hot night in Athens at Release festival!

Pet Text
29 June 2022

Wonderful nights in Camden and Glastonbury last week. Dreamworld is heading to Athens next! x

Pet Text
28 June 2022

A Russian lawyer, Dimitri Talantov, who has been defending a journalist charged with treason, has been arrested and taken away in handcuffs after posting on social media a statement about the recent Russian missile attack on a Ukrainian shopping mall: “Today’s horror in Kremenchuk — is this also a part of your denazification? Or is this fascism?” We salute his courage.

Pet Text
27 June 2022

We had to have a little celebration with our wonderful Dreamworld dancers and their choreographer Lynne Page backstage at Glastonbury last night.
(Photo: Pete Gleadall)

Pet Text
27 June 2022

What a night at Glastonbury! The front screen didn’t go up at the beginning so Chris went and played keyboards upstage. Fabulous, huge crowd! Thank you to Olly Alexander for joining us, also to our brilliant band, dancers and creative crew! And to Glastonbury and the BBC! xx

Pet Text
26 June 2022

In Oslo recently we saw the preparations for a happy Pride celebration. We are horrified by the deadly attack on innocent people and send our love, condolences and admiration for everyone who defied violence and marched in Pride anyway. Love Neil & Chris

Pet Text
24 June 2022

Fabulous packed singalong show tonight in the legendary Electric Ballroom!
Photo: David Robson/Twitter

Pet Text
24 June 2022

Tonight we’re playing a concert in the Electric Ballroom in Camden Town to aid grassroots music venues. I can remember us going to the same venue in 1984 to see this historic benefit gig by Bronski Beat for the families of striking miners, later immortalised in the film, “Pride”. Neil x

Pet Text
24 June 2022

Zoe Ball interviewed Chris and Neil on her BBC Radio 2 show in the run-up to their Glastonbury performance on Sunday. You can hear the interview at the link below (PSB are approx 36 minutes into the show).

Pet Text
24 June 2022

2023 UK shows will be announced on Monday at 9 am!

Pet Text
23 June 2022

Published today — the memoirs of Barbara Charone, the veteran music industry publicist who I have known since I was a journalist at Smash Hits. (Consequently I make a few appearances in the book.) Full details at the link below. Neil x

Pet Text
22 June 2022

An unforgettable evening in a tent in Cork! Thank you so much. xx
(Photo: Twitter/@shivkelli)

Pet Text
21 June 2022

A brave man in court for telling the truth in Russia. Full story at the link below.

Pet Text
18 June 2022

Happy Birthday, Paul McCartney. 80 today! Love, Neil and Chris xx
(Photo: Dezo Hoffman)

Pet Text
17 June 2022

OverOslo Festival tonight! x

Pet Text
17 June 2022

A misty, moisty evening and we had a great time. Thank you, Oslo!

Pet Text
16 June 2022

Just came to see (and be impressed by) Tracey Emin’s massive new sculpture, “The Mother”, outside the Munch Museum in Oslo. Neil x

Pet Text
16 June 2022

Our one-off show at the Electric Ballroom in Camden is just over a week away and the exclusive tee shirt, designed by Farrow, is now in production! More info about the show at the link below.

Pet Text
15 June 2022

Like many people, we are concerned about the safety of Alexei Navalny, the courageous Russian opposition leader, who survived being poisoned by Russia’s fascist regime and was then imprisoned on trumped-up charges. He is believed to have been recently moved to a remote prison colony.

Pet Text
15 June 2022

We arrived in stunning Stockholm yesterday. See you at the show tonight?

Pet Text
13 June 2022

Encouraging to see Russians around the world protesting against their fascist government and its delusional leader (who now compares himself to Peter the Great) on yesterday’s “Russia Day”.

Pet Text
11 June 2022

Thank you, Berlin!
(Photo: Twitter/@gonch145)

Pet Text
11 June 2022

Passing Rammstein’s amazing pyrotechnics after finishing our show. Quite a night in Stuttgart!

Pet Text
9 June 2022

Děkuji, Praha! Thanks, Prague, for a fantastic welcome.
(Photo of backstage pronunciation reminder.)

Pet Text
8 June 2022

It’s always a joy to be back in Prague. Looking forward to our sold-out show here tonight!

Pet Text
7 June 2022

The new Garden Cinema in the West End of London is screening “It Couldn’t Happen Here” on July 1st. Full information at the link below.

Pet Text
6 June 2022

Really enjoying our German shows. Thanks to the great audiences in Oberhausen and Hamburg over the weekend. Leipzig tomorrow!
Photo: @Alopex/Twitter

Pet Text
5 June 2022

Not long until we’re onstage! Neil x

Pet Text
3 June 2022

Thanks to Heartland in Denmark for presenting the first festival performance of Dreamworld last night. We had a great time!
(Photo: Space Bitch/Twitter)

Pet Text
2 June 2022

The camping area of tonight’s festival in Denmark has a very appropriate name!
(Photo: Holger Schwark)

Pet Text
1 June 2022

The most incredible thing about arriving in Denmark is the name of the airport…

Pet Text
1 June 2022

Today’s Dreamworld venue is Egeskov Castle. See you tonight, Heartland Festival! x