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Pet Texts

Pet Texts archive: February 2010

Pet Text
28 February 2010

And an interview from last night: http://​tinyurl​.com/​y​l​z​5​ef3

Pet Text
28 February 2010

Last night’s PSB medley on German TV: http://​tinyurl​.com/​y​j​7​w​gx2

Pet Text
27 February 2010

Apparently we’re on at 8.40 now. (I bet Sophia Loren doesn’t Twitter like this…)

Pet Text
27 February 2010

In Erfurt to perform on the Wetten Dass TV show. Sophia Loren is also a guest. We’re on just after 9pm.

Pet Text
26 February 2010

Tickets now on sale for Nottingham Splendour festival on July 24: http://​www​.gigantic​.com/​g​i​g​a​n​t​i​c​/​e​v​e​n​t​_​g​c​e​_​1​7​7​8​4​a​.​h​tml

Pet Text
25 February 2010

Camden tube

Pet Text
24 February 2010

PSBs headlining Nottingham Splendour festival on July 24: http://​www​.petshopboys​.co​.uk/​n​e​w​s​/​2​260

Pet Text
22 February 2010


Pet Text
21 February 2010

Some photos in today’s Observer:

Pet Text
19 February 2010

CNN interview: http://​tinyurl​.com/​y​9​p​u​oqz

Pet Text
19 February 2010

Such a good book: http://​tinyurl​.com/​y​h​m​7​ma6

Pet Text
18 February 2010

Happy 77th Birthday, @yokoono! You’re amazing. x

Pet Text
18 February 2010

UK dates pre-sale starts at 6 pm. http://​www​.livenation​.co​.uk/​a​r​t​i​s​t​/​p​e​t​-​s​h​o​p​-​b​o​y​s​-​t​i​c​k​ets

Pet Text
18 February 2010

Good group.

Pet Text
17 February 2010

Looks like we’ll be announcing some new concert dates later on today.

Pet Text
17 February 2010

We’re on on CNN International’s ‘Connect the World’ tonight at 2100 GMT. Send in a question for us to answer: http://​on​.cnn​.com/​c​r​n​QwJ

Pet Text
17 February 2010

PSB headlining Primavera Sound festival in Barcelona on May 29. http://​www​.petshopboys​.co​.uk/​n​e​w​s​/​2​256

Pet Text
17 February 2010

Five new UK tour dates announced: http://​www​.petshopboys​.co​.uk/​n​e​w​s​/​2​249

Pet Text
17 February 2010

We’re on The One Show this evening on BBC1 TV at 7pm.

Pet Text
17 February 2010

3‑minute edit of this: http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​8​r​E​V​e​y​D​u​kGE

Pet Text
16 February 2010

21 years ago we watched the Brits on TV at Sarm West studios with Liza Minnelli.

Pet Text
16 February 2010

Catch the Pet Shop Boys on CNN’s ‘Connect the World’ tomorrow at 2100 GMT. Send in a question for them to answer: http://​on​.cnn​.com/​c​r​n​QwJ

Pet Text
16 February 2010

Watch our “Priceless” living room gig here: http://​www​.mypricelessgig​.co​.uk/​v​i​d​e​o​s​.​a​spx

Pet Text
16 February 2010

Watch the Brits on ITV1 tonight and see bits of our living-room gig in the commercial breaks. http://​www​.pricelessgig​.co​.uk/​W​i​n​n​e​r​.​a​spx

Pet Text
16 February 2010


Pet Text
16 February 2010

At the Brit (design) Awards.

Pet Text
15 February 2010

Watch the Pandemonium trailer here: http://​tinyurl​.com/​y​8​v​5​ady

Pet Text
14 February 2010

The Pandemonium live DVD/CD is of course released in the UK tomorrow (international dates vary and EMI haven’t given them all to us yet…)

Pet Text
14 February 2010

Congratulations to Simon Moran of Berkhamsted who has won the framed, signed Pandemonium tour poster in our DVD/CD pre-order competition.

Pet Text
13 February 2010

Ely this afternoon.

Pet Text
12 February 2010

Yesterday. http://​iransolidarity​.blogspot​.com/

Pet Text
11 February 2010

Pre-order Pandemonium on iTunes: http://​itunes​.apple​.com/​W​e​b​O​b​j​e​c​t​s​/​M​Z​S​t​o​r​e​.​w​o​a​/​w​a​/​v​i​e​w​P​r​e​o​r​d​e​r​?​i​d​=​3​5​4​7​4​1​7​2​9​&​s​=​1​4​3​444

Pet Text
10 February 2010

Vote PSB — Annual International Dance Music Awards: Best Pop Dance Track, Best Music Video, Best Artist (Group). http://​tinyurl​.com/​y​d​9​t​rtl

Pet Text
10 February 2010

More pics from the front room show: http://​www​.petshopboys​.co​.uk/​p​h​o​t​o​s​/​3​2​/​5​8​1/1

Pet Text
10 February 2010

Tom Chaplin of Keane singing “Your funny uncle” (nice performance): http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​z​6​-​M​U​b​v​W​WHo

Pet Text
9 February 2010

Es Devlin won Set Designer of the Year at the TPI Awards last night voted for by rock tour professionals. She’s designed our last two tours.

Pet Text
8 February 2010

More powers to erode freedom and privacy.

Pet Text
5 February 2010

Back to Pet Texts on http://​www​.petshopboys​.co​.uk/ ?? The photos look better.

Pet Text
5 February 2010

We’ve almost been on Twitter for a year. Think that might be long enough?

Pet Text
5 February 2010

We have only blocked a tiny few who were offensive or promoted illegal downloading. It hardly ever happens. (In case you were wondering.)

Pet Text
2 February 2010

Thanks to the person who paid £3100 for the Vinyl Factory edition of “Yes” in the Oxfam Haiti auction: http://​tinyurl​.com/​y​z​q​p​n9b

Pet Text
2 February 2010

Last week played a show in someone’s front room in Twickenham. http://​www​.petshopboys​.co​.uk/​n​e​w​s​/​2​246

Pet Text
2 February 2010

Still a few days left to vote here: http://​www​.itv​.com/​e​n​t​e​r​t​a​i​n​m​e​n​t​/​b​r​i​t​s​h​i​t​s​3​0​v​o​t​e​/​d​e​f​a​u​l​t​.​h​tml

Pet Text
2 February 2010

Arriving in Twickenham.

Pet Text
2 February 2010

A brilliant novel set in the reign of Henry VIII. (It won the Booker Prize last year.)

Pet Text
2 February 2010


Pet Text
2 February 2010

Another shot of the Twickenham front room gig…