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Pet Texts archive: June 2011

Pet Text
30 June 2011

At the soundcheck. Rain hasn’t stopped play. C

Sent from my phone

Pet Text
29 June 2011

Tonight we went to see the English National Opera’s premiere production of “Two Boys”, a new opera by the young composer Nico Muhly. It’s an eerie operatic meditation on the sometimes creepy world of internet chat sites and the universal yearning for love. Nico’s music is gorgeous; the production is beautiful. I’d like to see it again. Neil

Pet Text
27 June 2011

View from our dressing room tonight. N x

Pet Text
23 June 2011

Totally rubbish story in the Scottish tabloids today based on someone on Twitter pretending to be me. As you probably know, we’re not on Twitter. Neil x

Pet Text
23 June 2011

Pete Gleadall just sent us a link to this “Pet Shop Boys kitchen”…

Pet Text
23 June 2011

Graffiti in a back street in the West End of Glasgow. N

Pet Text
22 June 2011

Nice test card! N

Pet Text
21 June 2011

Approaching Scotland on the ferry from Belfast. N

Pet Text
20 June 2011

We’re enjoying a day off in Dublin and have been to pay our respects to Oscar who seems to have lost weight and be wearing a very modern pair of shoes. Neil x

Pet Text
18 June 2011


Pet Text
18 June 2011

Croke Park Stadium. Is it going to rain? N

Pet Text
18 June 2011

Andy Crookston is sorting out the guest list backstage. We’re waiting for our soundcheck. N

Pet Text
17 June 2011

Greetings from Dublin. Me, Nathan, Pete G. Photographed by Chris. Neil x

Pet Text
16 June 2011

A few months ago we did a remix for our friend Joel Gibb of The Hidden Cameras of a song of his called “Colour Of A Man”. Pop Justice had it as their Song Of The Day yesterday (much to our surprise) and if you click on the link you can hear it. Hope you like it. Neil

Pet Text
15 June 2011

We have quite a bit of spare time on this tour and so have been writing new music on a portable studio set-up in Chris’s hotel room. We’re using Pete Gleadall’s iPad to control the mix. Neil

Pet Text
14 June 2011

We’re at the Millennium Stadium. Sun is shining. C

Sent from my phone

Pet Text
13 June 2011

We just stopped off for lunch by the river Severn in Worcester on the way from Manchester to Cardiff. Neil x

Pet Text
10 June 2011

Tonight at the City of Manchester Stadium. A lot of fun. Chris xxx

Sent from my phone

Pet Text
10 June 2011

My jacket waiting for tonight’s concert to begin. It’s got extra padding now around the neck for extra comfort! Chris

Sent from my phone

Pet Text
10 June 2011

We had a tour around the set of “Coronation Street” today! Neil x

Pet Text
8 June 2011

A friend took this picture of last night in Manchester. It didn’t rain! Chris x

Pet Text
6 June 2011

We were excited to attend the live premiere of Nero’s “Dubstep Symphony” this evening at the new BBC Media City in Salford, performed by Nero with the BBC Philharmonic and broadcast live on BBC Radio 1. Neil

Pet Text
6 June 2011

This apartment building stands on the site of the legendary Haçienda nightclub in Manchester which was owned by New Order. Sad it’s no longer there. We first visited it in 1989 with Bernard Sumner and Johnny Marr at the beginning of the Electronic project. In 1992 we played there at a show for Derek Jarman and performed “Go West” for the first time. Johnny came to see us play on Saturday night and we had a great lunch with him yesterday. Neil x

Pet Text
4 June 2011

The view from our dressing room in Manchester.

Pet Text
4 June 2011

Backstage before yesterday’s soundcheck: the twins, Charlotte and Danni (who looks after wardrobe).