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Pet Texts

Pet Texts archive: July 2018

Pet Text
29 July 2018

What an amazing experience last week in Covent Garden! Thanks to the Royal Opera House staff, the PSB creative team and crew and, of course, the wonderful audiences for four unforgettable euphoric nights. x

Pet Text
25 July 2018

Amazing first night at the Royal Opera House! Roll on tomorrow. Neil x

Pet Text
24 July 2018

Nice to be back! Neil x

Pet Text
22 July 2018

We had a fantastic night at Benicàssim. Eagle-eyed Petheads may have noticed a different drummer on stage. Simon Tellier was at a family wedding and was replaced for the night by Lucas Parlato (pictured). Thanks, Lucas! Neil x

Pet Text
20 July 2018

Pet Shop Boys are quoted in “An A‑Z of Brexit” in today’s Guardian newspaper.

Pet Text
18 July 2018

Resting backstage before tonight’s show. Neil x

Pet Text
14 July 2018

Just been to Sheffield to see the new musical about Dusty Springfield by Jonathan Harvey. Very enjoyable and moving with a poignant and brilliantly sung performance by Katherine Kingsley as Dusty. (“What have I done to deserve this?” is in Act 2.) Neil x

Pet Text
11 July 2018

Thanks for all your birthday greetings and messages! Love, Neil x

Pet Text
7 July 2018

It’s Neil’s birthday on July 10. If you’d like to send a message to him, you can post one at the link below.

Pet Text
6 July 2018

The auction is now in progress for these unique signed Adidas trainers customised by Pet Shop Boys and Jeffrey Bryant. All proceeds go to the Albert Kennedy Trust which helps homeless LGBT young people. Link below.

Pet Text
2 July 2018

Pet Shop Boys and Jeffrey Bryant have customised a pair of trainers in support of the wonderful work of the Albert Kennedy Trust with LGBT youth. These unique Adidas Samba trainers will be auctioned on ebay starting tomorrow.