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Pet Texts archive: September 2013

Pet Text
30 September 2013
Pet Text
30 September 2013

A radio station that only plays Pet Shop Boys? Go to the link below.

Pet Text
28 September 2013

Neil and Chris are interviewed in todays’s edition of “World Café” on National Public Radio in the USA and you can hear live tracks from their performance at this year’s Sonar Festival in Barcelona. More details at the link below.

Pet Text
28 September 2013

It’s now 20 years since Pet Shop Boys’ classic album “Very” was released. At the link below, The Idolator online magazine discusses the album, the singles released from it and the videos that accompanied them.

Pet Text
28 September 2013

From tomorrow at 10 am Eastern Time in the USA, Pet Shop Boys take over the weekend on 1st Wave on Sirius XM. “Starting with an exclusive Town Hall with subscribers, hosted by 1st Wave’s Richard Blade…Then listen as we play a different song every hour from their latest album “Electric” plus more of the great synth dance pop hits, including song intros from both Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe!”

Pet Text
24 September 2013

It was fascinating to see John Lennon’s psychedelic Rolls Royce today exhibited in a Montreal museum. Neil x

Pet Text
19 September 2013

This week’s issue of the New Statesman magazine in the UK contains an interview with Neil and Chris. More details at the link below.

Pet Text
15 September 2013


We’ve just had three great shows in a row — Miami Beach, St Petersburg, Atlanta — with such a warm welcome from the audiences in each city. A wonderful start to the North American tour. Roll on New York! Neil x

Pet Text
13 September 2013

Before the show tonight we got presented with the keys to the City of Miami Beach by Commissioner Michael Góngora. Quite an honour! Do we get free public transport? Neil x

Pet Text
13 September 2013

Great opening show for the North American tour tonight in Miami! Some dedicated fans in the audience — check out this tattoo.
Neil x

Pet Text
12 September 2013

Coronamusic​.com is streaming our first North American “Electric” show in Miami live tonight in Mexico and Brasil. You can watch the entire concert live online with the link provided. The show starts at 21.00 USA Eastern Time.

Pet Text
10 September 2013

We played a couple of songs at the Volkswagen Group Night in Frankfurt yesterday before the opening of the Motor Show: “Axis”, including quotes from “West End girls”, “It’s a sin” and “Domino dancing” before the presentation and “Vocal” with thirty dancers at the end. “Electric” has increasing motoring relevance these days! Neil x

Pet Text
7 September 2013

With Gdansk on Wednesday and the Berlin Festival last night, that’s the end of our European touring this year until Edinburgh on New Year’s Eve. Thanks to everyone who’s been to see us! Looking forward to starting the North American tour next week in Miami. Neil x

Pet Text
3 September 2013

How much do you know about Pet Shop Boys? Go to the link and try this (quite difficult) PSB quiz from “Shortlist” magazine.