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Pet Texts archive: May 2007

Pet Text
31 May 2007

Couldn’t find the hotel so we got a couple of rickshaws. This is Neil with Pete Gleadall somewhere in Copenhagen.

Pet Text
30 May 2007

Just got the train down from London to Brighton for our show here tonight. Went to see Rufus Wainwright in concert last night at The Old Vic theatre which was very entertaining. I really should have had a photo of me and Rufus taken backstage but instead here’s a picture of Battersea Power Station in the rain taken from the train… Neil x

Pet Text
30 May 2007

Hi. Apparently we’ve had several fans asking what time we go on stage. In British shows, we’ll normally be on between 8 and 8.15 pm. So now you know… N x

Pet Text
29 May 2007

Brighton beach at night.

Pet Text
29 May 2007

View from hotel, Salford.

Pet Text
29 May 2007

Dressing room at the Manchester Apollo.

Pet Text
29 May 2007

After Wolverhampton, we thought that an audience couldn’t get any louder. But the Manchester audience response measured 112 decibels making them now the loudest audience of the tour! Neil x

Pet Text
27 May 2007

At the Blackpool v. Yeovil playoff at Wembley.

Pet Text
27 May 2007

Our sound engineer, Colin, who mixes our live sound, always measures the level of the reaction from the audience. After the show at Wolverhampton on Friday, he informed us that the audience there was the loudest of the entire tour so far, measuring 109 decibels. So congratulations, Wolverhampton! Neil x

Pet Text
25 May 2007

Walking to our soundcheck at the Sage across the Tyne on the Millennium Bridge. 

Pet Text
23 May 2007

Where’s the onion?

Pet Text
23 May 2007

A beautiful morning in Amsterdam. View from room.

Pet Text
23 May 2007

Window in Foyle’s, Charing Cross Road, London.

Pet Text
22 May 2007

We’re in a very busy phase of the tour. Stuttgart on Sunday, Paris last night, Amsterdam tonight. Then the British tour starts in Newcastle-Gateshead on Thursday. The show in Paris got off to a late start last night because one of the trucks carrying our equipment crashed en route from Stuttgart. Thankfully the driver wasn’t hurt but, as a result, nothing arrived at the Grand Rex theatre until 5 pm and the staging was still being constructed while the audience were waiting outside! Sorry for the delay if you were waiting on the Boulevard. The show turned out really well anyway. Neil x

Pet Text
21 May 2007

Chris’s dressing room in Stuttgart.

Pet Text
19 May 2007

We arrived in Stuttgart just as their football team was winning the Cup. They’ve been celebrating ever since.

Pet Text
17 May 2007

A big cube in Hamburg. It’s a tribute to the Soviet artist Malevich.

Pet Text
15 May 2007

Trans-Europe Express: changing trains at Fulda for Munich.

Pet Text
14 May 2007

Waiting for the train in Wolfsburg.

Pet Text
14 May 2007

Back at the hotel in München.

Pet Text
14 May 2007

The theatre at Autostadt (part of the VW factory).

Pet Text
13 May 2007

Tonight’s venue.

Pet Text
13 May 2007


Pet Text
13 May 2007

Zaha Hadid building. Wolfsburg.

Pet Text
13 May 2007

There’s a building here by Zaha Hadid (who designed our Nightlife tour set).

Pet Text
13 May 2007

Autostadt, Wolfsburg, where Volkswagen cars are made. We’re playing here tonight.

Pet Text
12 May 2007

Wolfgang Flur, one of the original members of Kraftwerk, came to our show in Dusseldorf last night.

Pet Text
11 May 2007

My dressing room. Düsseldorf.

Pet Text
11 May 2007

Just had a haircut!

Pet Text
11 May 2007

We’ve had asparagus every day since we arrived in Germany. It’s the “spargel” season.

Pet Text
11 May 2007

The UK government still hasn’t given up on ID cards…Click on the link for the latest horror.

Pet Text
9 May 2007

Apparently someone has thrown her “Pet Shop Boys CD collection into the Baltic Sea”. The quote from me is accurate.

Pet Text
9 May 2007

Greetings from Chemnitz! (It was called Karl-Marx-Stadt under the DDR. Hence the postcard.) Always interesting to see how former Communist places have changed. Nice audience tonight. x

Pet Text
8 May 2007

We had a great day in Berlin yesterday with both the book-signing and the concert. We weren’t expecting such a big crowd at the shop nor such an aggressive pack of press photographers! But thanks to everyone who came down and to the Dussmann shop for hosting the event. Neil x
(Photo from Hello magazine.)

Pet Text
7 May 2007

40 minutes to showtime. Thanks to everyone who came to the booksigning.

Pet Text
7 May 2007

Das Brandenburger Tor.

Pet Text
7 May 2007

Sunday afternoon in Berlin.

Pet Text
6 May 2007

It’s a lovely morning in Berlin and we have the day off! Arrived here yesterday evening and had dinner with Rufus Wainwright who happened to be be in town. Neil x

Pet Text
6 May 2007

Ivan (a.k.a. Swan), one of our dancers, has nipped back to London to perform with his dance company Birdgang at Sadlers Wells theatre tonight.

Pet Text
5 May 2007

Border control from Latvia into Lithuania is painfully slow. It took us two and a half hours to get through. Consequently, the start of the show was delayed.

Pet Text
4 May 2007

Two and a half hours to cross the border into Lithuania! There won’t be a soundcheck today. 

Pet Text
4 May 2007

Border control from Latvia into Lithuania is painfully slow!

Pet Text
2 May 2007

This is the Russian war memorial statue, now in a military cemetery in Tallinn, which was moved from the city centre, provoking the recent troubles in Tallinn.